- Electronic Health Records (EHR)
- Practice Management (PM)
- ePrescribing (eRX)
- Revenue Cycle Management (RCM)
- Radiology Info System (RIS)
- Mini-PACS
- Teleradiology
LAMB Technologies’ array of Professional Services is segregated into distinct process that can be selected individually or combined as required address each client’s needs.
Life Cycle Management is LAMB Technologies’ response to our clients need for a single point of accountability for cradle to grave technology management of digital imaging and informatics systems. Design, Implementation and Maintenance Services are integrated to ensure that systems deliver maximum return on investment.
Formal system architecture designs are develop to ensure clinical needs are balanced with business plans and financial resources. Design Process Focus: Product Specification, Infrastructure Specifications, Network Connectivity, Regulatory Compliance, Business Continuance & Disaster Recovery, Clinical Workflow and Operator Training. Design Deliverables: Formal design will be provided which include; proyect scope definition, project timeline, workflow models, EHR/RIS/PACS equipment specification, network maps & connectivity specifications, regulatory compliance strategy, business contuance and disaster recovery plan.
We procure, integrate and install components and software as designed. Employees are trained to optimize equipment utilization for day-to-day use.Implementation Process Focus: Technical SitePreparation, Equipment Procurement, Equipment Configuration, Network Configuration, Equipment Installation & Testing and Operation Training. Implementation Deliverables: A Project Manager assigned to the project will lead the team effort required to implement the complete system as designed within the prescribed time-frame. Project management reports are provided to key stake holders no less than weekly until final customer acceptance.
Ongoing system reliability is maintained through our comprehensive service & support programs. Software is kept current and hardware is renewed to avoid obsolesces.Service Process Focus: Asset Tracking, Planned Maintenance, Software Update, Emergency Responsiveness, OEM Support, Performance Reports and On-going Operator Training.Service Deliverables: All items covered by warranty or service agreement are tracked in our service management database. Planed Maintenance will be performed at prescribed intervals. On-demand Service issues are escalated automatically if not resolved routinely. Management reports document system reliability and service responsiveness.